Air Balancing

Air balancing will allow your air conditioning and heating unit to run more energy efficiently, promote better system performance, and improve overall comfort. Achieving proper air balance will require several factors are met to distribute air throughout the home better. Cold and hot spots are a sign that your home’s air isn’t balanced. When your system has to work harder, it will put stress on the equipment, which runs the risk of costly repairs down the road.

Understanding Air Balancing

There isn’t just one single factor that affects air balance, depending on the home; specific actions taken could vary.

Tips From an HVAC Technician

Use this advice, and you’ll experience a more comfortable home regardless of the time of year.
Locate Drafts: Analyze each door and window throughout your home to make sure they’re sealed tight. No outside air should be able to make its way inside.

Clean Filters: Dirty filters can constrain air movement, increase energy bills, and are one of the leading causes of system breakdowns

Check/Fix Ductwork: Issues with your ductwork can be a little bit harder to locate. If air is leaking from a specific location, it puts a roadblock up, preventing the correct circulation of air.

Install Window Films: There aren’t many better ways to stop heat from penetrating your home than the use of window films. With so many options available, you can repel UV rays without having to lose natural lighting.

Improve Insulation: Bad insulation allows cold and hot air to enter the home. Much like window films, insulation is a barrier dividing interior walls from the outside elements.

Offset Air: A two-story house with two running units may benefit from a 2-3 degree temperature offset. For example, the upstairs unit could be set at 73 degrees, while the downstairs unit is set at 71 degrees.

Contact The Professionals

Spring has kicked off in Texas, and some days have already felt like summer. Stay ahead of the weather with an air quality audit. The techs a Rohde Air Conditioning & Heating can help you achieve complete air balance.

Call Rohde Air Conditioning & Heating Today for All Your Heating and Cooling Needs.

Rohde Air Conditioning & Heating has the staff and equipment to get the job done right. Call today at (254) 939-COOL (2665) or request service online.